Metabolic Green Juice: Discover Its Incredible Benefits!

Metabolic Green Juice: Discover Its Incredible Benefits! - SirtLife
The Sirt diet focuses on consuming foods rich in proteins called sirtuins, found primarily in dark chocolate, berries, red wine, nuts, parsley, kale, cauliflower, and green tea.

Part of the Sirt diet includes the consumption of the so-called metabolic green juice, made with certain plant ingredients capable of activating the longevity proteins, another name for sirtuins.

In addition to the guidelines of the Sirt diet and the metabolic green juice, to boost metabolism and ensure this biological process works properly, you can also take natural supplements like those from SIRTLIFE.


What is the purpose of green juice?

The metabolic green juice Sirt is made with some ingredients – which we will see better in the next paragraph – capable of exerting some beneficial actions on the metabolism and the body in general.

The green juice from Sirt acts as a regulator of the metabolic process, helps reduce any inflammatory states, and improves cellular health.

The drink, entirely natural, helps eliminate toxins and, at the same time, provides essential liquids and nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, and antioxidant substances.

Following a controlled diet based on the foods allowed in the Sirt diet and regularly drinking the metabolic green juice, in addition to regular physical activity and the intake of natural supplements, can promote weight loss.

How to prepare a metabolic green juice?

The metabolic green juice from Sirt helps to give a feeling of satiety and simultaneously purify the body. It should be taken three times a day at different times (e.g., upon waking, mid-morning, and mid-afternoon).

Here’s how to prepare the metabolic green juice. You will need:

75g of kale

30g of rocket

5g of parsley

150g of celery with leaves

½ green apple

juice of ½ lemon

½ teaspoon of matcha tea

For preparation: blend the kale, rocket, and parsley; add grated celery and apple, with half a squeezed lemon and half a teaspoon of matcha tea.

The green juice should be drunk immediately to retain the beneficial effects of the vegetables and should not be stored in the fridge.

What are the benefits of metabolic green juices?

The diet that, among other dietary adjustments, proposes the metabolic green juice is also known as the lean gene diet.

It became especially popular in the spring of 2020 when photos showing the surprising transformation of singer Adele, who had followed this diet, circulated online, resulting in remarkable weight loss.

Originally developed in the UK in the early 2000s, the Sirt diet was conceived by Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten, renowned nutritionists who had already collaborated with the medical team of a famous London sports club. Previously, they had also worked with Olympic athletes and high-profile celebrities, creating tailored dietary programs for them.

The main benefits of metabolic green juices Sirt are:

- Activation of Sirt genes or longevity genes, associated with a series of cellular processes, including metabolism, inflammation response, and lifespan extension;

- Reduction of inflammation, linked to many negative health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and obesity;

- Support for healthier and more efficient metabolic action;

- Purification and detoxification of the body;

- Support for weight loss, promoting a feeling of satiety.

In addition to the metabolic green juice, if you want to give your metabolism a boost, try the natural supplements from SIRTLIFE.

SIRT500 contains a mix of polyphenols, micronutrients, and sirtuin activators that help control cholesterol and blood sugar levels, combat cellular aging, and participate in the repair of damaged DNA.

LIPO, a booster of SIRT500 Plus, acts on the biological factors that favor the accumulation of adipose cells, boosts metabolism, tends to reduce hunger, helps lower cortisol, and modulates blood sugar and fat levels.

For SIRT500 Plus, just 2 tablets a day are enough, one in the morning and one in the evening.

As for LIPO, 2 tablets a day are taken, half an hour before breakfast, and in the evening before dinner. Whether on an empty or full stomach, depending on your preference.

For even more complete and lasting results, try the metabolic bundle SIRT500+LIPO, an effective ally alongside a healthy diet and regular, consistent physical activity.

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