The Secret to Naturally Supercharge Your Metabolism

The Secret to Naturally Supercharge Your Metabolism - SirtLife
Many people are interested in learning about natural products that can boost metabolism. This term refers to the complex process through which our bodies convert nutrients from food into the energy necessary to sustain vital functions.

Metabolism is influenced by various factors, including basal metabolic rate, dietary thermogenesis, and physical activity.

Basal metabolism comprises the basic chemical reactions that allow our bodies to maintain vital functions, even at rest, such as breathing.

Dietary thermogenesis refers to the energy consumption associated with food intake, while physical activity encompasses all the movements and exercises we do.

Basal metabolism can speed up or slow down based on various factors such as age, sex, hormonal fluctuations, stress, and lifestyle. In such cases, some natural products to boost metabolism like those from SIRTLIFE can help restore balance and overall well-being.


What are the natural products that boost metabolism?

Natural products that boost metabolism contain various plant components. Depending on their characteristics and functions, for example, some supplements used to give a boost to the metabolic process include substances like extracts from bitter orange and pineapple stem, which reduce fat absorption, or green tea, which speeds up metabolism and reduces hunger.

But if you want to know how to naturally boost metabolism, it is also important to consider quality products like those from SirtLife, which contain minerals such as zinc, essential for the proper functioning of hormones, insulin, sex hormones, and growth hormone; selenium, a powerful antioxidant with protective action on the thyroid; and chromium, which regulates insulin levels.

Also important for metabolism are polyphenols, found mainly in fruits, vegetables, red wine, green tea, chocolate, coffee, and olive oil. They have anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet, and antioxidant effects.

Working in synergy with these natural ingredients are sirtuins, also known as longevity proteins: they improve metabolic processes and provide beneficial effects throughout the body, helping to prevent conditions such as hyperglycemia, diabetes, obesity, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome.

Natural products to boost metabolism during menopause

Many women over the age of 40 and 50 report gastrointestinal issues, as well as metabolic dysfunctions, constipation, and abdominal pain. This is why many seek natural products to boost metabolism during menopause.

During this transitional period, metabolism can slow down due to decreased estrogen, changes in body composition, reduced physical activity, dietary changes, and aging. However, a healthy lifestyle can mitigate this slowdown.

Estrogen and progesterone also play a role in controlling another hormone, cortisol. When the first two decrease, the levels of the latter increase, thus slowing down proper digestion and the elimination of toxins and waste.

Metabolism boosters like the natural products from SIRTLIFE contain specially formulated substances that affect various biological processes influenced by metabolic changes during menopause or other transitional periods. SIRT500 contains a mix of polyphenols, micronutrients, and sirtuin activators that help control cholesterol and blood sugar levels, combat cellular aging, and participate in the repair of damaged DNA.

LIPOacts on the biological factors that favour the accumulation of adipose cells, boosts metabolism, tends to reduce hunger, helps lower cortisol, and modulates blood sugar and fat levels.

For SIRT500 Plus, just 2 tablets a day are enough, one in the morning and one in the evening.

As for LIPO, 2 tablets a day are taken, half an hour before breakfast, and in the evening before dinner. Whether on an empty or full stomach, depending on your preference.

For even more complete and lasting results, try the metabolic bundle SIRT500+LIPO, an effective ally alongside a healthy diet and regular, consistent physical activity.

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