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How SIRT500 Works

SIRT500 combines a proprietary blend of minerals and plant extracts to deliver powerful SIRT-activating compounds (STACs). Achieving optimal levels of these compounds through diet alone would require consuming impractical amounts of specific foods, such as 5-6 kilograms of blueberries or 5 liters of fresh pomegranate juice daily. With its carefully designed slow-release formulation, SIRT500 ensures continuous activation of all seven sirtuins (SIRT1-7), enhancing their levels by up to 14 times. The inclusion of polydatin, a potent derivative of resveratrol, further supports its efficacy, while essential minerals like zinc, selenium, and nicotinamide ensure effective nutrient delivery and absorption. SIRT500 offers comprehensive benefits for your overall health by leveraging advanced nutraceutical technology that is scientifically designed to optimise the activation of sirtuins, as detailed in our patent.


Niacin, or Vitamin B3, is crucial for synthesizing NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide), a coenzyme vital for energy metabolism and cellular functions. High NAD+ levels enhance sirtuin activation, promoting processes linked to health and longevity (55, 60, 61).

NAD+ Production and Energy Metabolism

Niacin converts into NAD+ through metabolic pathways involving nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinic acid. NAD+ acts as a substrate for sirtuins, crucial for DNA repair, gene expression, and metabolic regulation (56, 60, 62). It plays a key role in converting food into energy, fueling sirtuins to function effectively (55, 60, 62).

Sirtuin Activation and Longevity

SIRT1, a well-studied sirtuin, relies on NAD+ to activate proteins that regulate metabolism, inflammation, and stress responses (55, 62). Niacin indirectly contributes to longevity by enhancing DNA repair, mitochondrial function, and metabolic regulation, reducing age-related disease risks (56, 63).

Metabolic Health Regulation

Regular niacin intake maintains NAD+ levels, ensuring active sirtuins. This is beneficial for aging populations where NAD+ declines, leading to decreased sirtuin activity and health issues (56, 63). Niacin supports metabolic health by regulating glucose and lipid metabolism, preventing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (56).

Cellular Protection and DNA Repair

By boosting NAD+ levels, niacin activates sirtuins that protect cells from oxidative stress and inflammation, maintaining cellular integrity and function (60). Niacin-derived NAD+ supports sirtuin-mediated deacetylation crucial for DNA repair and metabolic regulation. SIRT1 deacetylates proteins involved in metabolic regulation and stress responses (55).


Zinc is a crucial mineral supporting immune function, DNA synthesis, and cellular repair. It indirectly supports sirtuin activation by maintaining cellular health, which aids SIRT1's role in metabolic regulation and longevity (64, 65, 66).

Immune Support and Inflammation Management

Zinc is essential for immune cell production and activity. By maintaining a robust immune response, zinc indirectly supports sirtuins, which manage stress responses and inflammatory processes (64, 66).

Longevity Pathways and Metabolic Health

Research suggests that zinc may enhance lifespan by supporting longevity pathways involving sirtuins. These pathways regulate stress response and damage repair, critical for healthy aging (64). Zinc also regulates insulin and glucose levels, supporting metabolic efficiency necessary for sirtuin activation (65, 67).

Antioxidant Effects and Cellular Protection

Zinc possesses antioxidant properties that protect cells from oxidative damage, preserving NAD+ levels needed for sirtuin activity (64). Zinc's role in DNA synthesis and repair further supports sirtuins, ensuring efficient repair processes and cellular health (64, 65).


Selenium is a vital mineral known for its antioxidant properties, protecting cells from oxidative damage. By reducing oxidative stress, selenium maintains cellular health, crucial for optimal sirtuin function (76).

Antioxidant Defense and DNA Repair

Selenium is integral to selenoproteins, such as glutathione peroxidase (GPx), that neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress (76). This defense supports sirtuins, enhancing DNA repair and genomic stability, preventing mutations, and slowing cellular aging (76).

Immune Function and Metabolic Health

Selenium boosts immune cell production, reducing chronic inflammation that could otherwise inhibit sirtuins (76). It also improves insulin sensitivity and regulates blood sugar, maintaining NAD+ levels vital for sirtuin activation and supporting metabolic processes (76).


Chromium is an essential trace mineral that plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar and lipid metabolism. It enhances insulin action, stabilizing blood glucose levels and indirectly supporting sirtuin activation through improved metabolic health and reduced oxidative stress (77, 78, 79).

Blood Sugar Regulation and Insulin Sensitivity

Chromium enhances insulin efficiency, facilitating glucose utilization and stabilizing blood sugar levels. This reduction in metabolic stress fosters an environment conducive to sirtuin activation. Maintaining insulin sensitivity is crucial for preserving NAD+ levels, essential for effective sirtuin function (79, 80).

Metabolic Health and Lipid Metabolism

Chromium supports modest reductions in body weight, fat percentage, and improved muscle mass. By enhancing metabolic health, it maintains the energy balance required for sirtuin activation, particularly SIRT1, which regulates metabolic processes and energy homeostasis (78). It also improves cholesterol levels, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, thereby supporting sirtuin function (78).

Antioxidant Properties and Cellular Protection

Chromium reduces oxidative stress by boosting the body's antioxidant capacity. Lower oxidative stress helps preserve NAD+ levels, supporting sirtuin-mediated cellular repair and longevity pathways (77). Its role in stabilizing blood sugar and reducing oxidative stress contributes to cellular health, creating an optimal environment for sirtuins (80).


Pomegranate extract provides powerful antioxidant effects, protecting against cellular damage and supporting cardiovascular health. It indirectly supports sirtuin activation by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, creating a favorable environment for sirtuins to function effectively (81, 82, 83).

Immune Support and Anti-inflammatory Properties

Pomegranates possess anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce markers like C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6). By lowering inflammation, pomegranates support sirtuin activation, aiding in the management of immune responses and inflammatory processes (81).

Lifespan Extension and Antioxidant Content

Pomegranates contribute to increased lifespan by reducing oxidative stress and enhancing cellular health. Their rich polyphenol content, particularly punicalagins, protects cells from oxidative damage, supporting sirtuins involved in DNA repair and longevity pathways (82, 83).

Metabolic Health and Cellular Protection

Pomegranates may improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels, crucial for maintaining NAD+ levels and facilitating sirtuin activation. Improved metabolic health through pomegranate consumption supports sirtuin activity, essential for metabolic regulation and longevity (81). The potent antioxidants in pomegranates neutralize free radicals, maintaining NAD+ levels needed for sirtuin activity and enhancing overall cellular health (82).

DNA Repair and Cellular Health

The antioxidants in pomegranates reduce oxidative stress, supporting efficient DNA repair processes. By protecting DNA, pomegranates indirectly support sirtuin activity, crucial for genomic stability and cellular health (83).


Bilberry extract shields cells from damage, reduces inflammation, and supports fat reduction and immune system health. It indirectly supports sirtuin activation by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, enhancing overall cellular health (84, 85, 86).

Immune Support and Inflammation Reduction

Bilberries contain anthocyanosides that enhance immune function by reducing inflammation and supporting immune cell activity. By maintaining a strong immune response, bilberries indirectly support sirtuin activation, aiding stress responses and inflammatory processes (84).

Lifespan Extension and Antioxidant Properties

Bilberries' antioxidants protect cells from oxidative stress, contributing to increased lifespan. By supporting cellular health and reducing oxidative damage, bilberries enhance sirtuin activation, particularly in DNA repair and longevity pathways (84, 86).

Metabolic Health and Circulation Improvement

Bilberries improve metabolic health by enhancing blood vessel strength and circulation. These cardiovascular benefits reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, creating an optimal environment for sirtuin activation. Improved blood flow ensures better nutrient delivery to cells, supporting sirtuin-mediated processes (85).

Cellular Protection and DNA Repair

Bilberries' high anthocyanoside content acts as antioxidants, neutralizing free radicals and reducing oxidative stress. Lower oxidative stress supports NAD+ levels, crucial for sirtuin activation and overall cellular health (85). Anthocyanosides in bilberries protect DNA from oxidative stress, supporting efficient DNA repair processes and indirectly enhancing sirtuin activity (86).

Japanese Knotweed

Japanese Knotweed extract offers antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging benefits. It supports sirtuin activation primarily through its high resveratrol content, which enhances cellular health and longevity by protecting against oxidative stress (87, 88, 89).

Immune Support and Anti-inflammatory Properties

Japanese Knotweed's resveratrol content has anti-inflammatory properties, reducing chronic inflammation. This supports a robust immune response and indirectly enhances sirtuin activation, aiding stress responses and inflammatory processes (87).

Lifespan Extension and Sirtuin Activation

Resveratrol in Japanese Knotweed activates sirtuins, particularly SIRT1, which plays a crucial role in DNA repair and longevity. By enhancing sirtuin activity, resveratrol contributes to increased lifespan by supporting cellular health and reducing oxidative damage (87, 89).

Metabolic Health and Blood Sugar Regulation

Resveratrol improves metabolic health by regulating blood sugar and lipid levels. Stable blood sugar and insulin levels maintain NAD+ levels, facilitating sirtuin activation. This regulation supports metabolic efficiency and longevity (88, 89).

Cellular Protection and DNA Repair

Japanese Knotweed's potent antioxidant properties neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress. Lower oxidative stress supports NAD+ levels, crucial for sirtuin activation and cellular health. Resveratrol protects DNA from oxidative damage, supporting efficient DNA repair and indirectly enhancing sirtuin activity (89).


Magnolia bark extract reduces inflammation and protects cells from damage, providing calming effects and improving sleep quality. It indirectly supports sirtuin activation by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, enhancing overall cellular health (90, 91, 92).

Immune Support and Inflammation Reduction

Magnolia bark significantly reduces inflammation by modulating pro-inflammatory cytokine production. This reduction supports sirtuin activation and function, enhancing the body's ability to manage stress and repair cells (90).

Lifespan Extension and Antioxidant Properties

Magnolia bark compounds, such as honokiol and magnolol, exhibit potent antioxidant properties that reduce oxidative stress. By protecting cells from oxidative damage, these compounds support sirtuin activity and contribute to increased lifespan (90, 92).

Metabolic Health and Insulin Sensitivity

Magnolia bark improves insulin sensitivity and regulates blood sugar levels. Stable blood sugar levels maintain NAD+ levels, facilitating sirtuin activation. Improved metabolic health through magnolia bark consumption supports sirtuin activity, essential for metabolic regulation and longevity (91).

Cellular Protection and Stress Response Regulation

Magnolia bark's bioactive compounds neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and maintaining NAD+ levels crucial for sirtuin activation. By mimicking cortisol effects, magnolia bark helps regulate the body's stress response, reducing metabolic stress and supporting better metabolic health and resilience against stress (91, 92).

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